Donate to the work of St. George’s

Thank you for considering donating to the work of St. Georges.
Money goes to our activities to reach out into the community: to work with the schools, to provide youth groups, to host community fun days, to provide a hall for uniformed groups and toddler groups, to provide social clubs, and to encourage people to explore Christianity, as well as for running the church itself.

Donating via the Parish Giving Scheme

St. George’s is part of the Parish Giving Scheme, which provides a very easy and highly recommended way to give to St. George's.
See the instructions below on the Parish Giving Scheme page, or go directly to the Parish Giving Scheme page for St. George's at

Donating to St. George’s Church
There are a number of ways you can do this:

1. Regular giving by Standing Order
You will need to contact your bank to get their form for setting up Standing Orders. Please fill in the details of your bank account and set up the Standing Order to St Georges Church, Sort Code 40-52-40, Account Number 00030405.

2. Direct Bank Transfer
Direct bank transfers can be made to our CAF Bank account: St Georges Church, Sort Code 40-52-40, Account Number 00030405. If you make a donation please contact the treasurer:  email  so that we know who the donation has come from and can arrange gift aid claims if appropriate. If your donation is for a particular project/reason please also let the treasurer know, thank you.

3. Ad-hoc donations
We provide pre-printed collection envelopes (yellow envelopes) in church for you to use to put your gift in the collection plate at the back of church. The envelopes allow you to fill in your name and address so we can claim the gift-aid (see below), but there is no need to fill in these details if you don’t want us to claim gift aid on your donation.

Please make any cheques out to St Georges Church

​4. Gift Aid

In any of the above cases, if you pay tax in the UK, you can increase the amount St George’s receives by filling in a Gift Aid declaration. Provided you pay enough tax to cover the amount we would reclaim, St George’s can claim this tax back from the UK Government as Gift Aid, which increases the amount of your giving by 25 % at no extra cost to you.
If you are able to Gift Aid your giving, please complete the Gift Aid declaration from the link below. and return it to the office. 

Download the Gift Aid Form

Parish Giving Scheme

Thank you for considering donating to the work of St. George's via the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS)
The following instructions will help you do this.
Information you will need
Your bank details:  sort code and account number.
Setting up your regular giving
To set up to donate, this link will take you straight to the St. George’s page:

Alternatively, you can find the St. George's page if you go to

  1. Click on ‘Find your Parish’

  2. Enter the postcode for St. George’s:  CV22 5HR then click on ‘Find your church;

  3. The church ‘Rugby St George’ should be shown in the map and also below it

  4. Click on the ‘Give now’ button

Once on the St. George's page, you should see the text  'Welcome to Rugby St George'. Then:

  1. Click on the ‘Regular Giving’ button

  2. Complete the form to register with Parish Giving:  you will need your email address and to create a password. Then you will get an email asking you to activate your account.

  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up how much you want to pay monthly and if you would like your giving to be automatically increased by inflation each year. You will need your bank account name, number and sort-code.

  4. Remember to cancel any existing standing orders to St. George’s unless you are feeling particularly generous!

What will happen
You should get an email informing you that a Direct Debit has been set up. This will be for the 1st of the next month. (Note that if you do this towards the end of the month then it may be the month after the next month e.g. if you try toward the end of April then the first direct debit may be on the 1st of June.)
Your direct debit will be for the 1st of the month. This date cannot be changed.
You can change the amount, and whether it is automatically increased by inflation, by logging on to your PGS account as above.
Any questions or problems?
There is a FAQ area on the website, or email the Parish Giving Scheme, or contact the treasurer at